joy meme

Joy: Resurrection

by Doris Martin                                                                  

Once again and with the Traveler in front, the Inchinian cohort stepped onto the road. Hard to put your finger on exactly what It was, maybe it was the almost-a-hop-step in their gait, or perhaps they were all bitten by the same earworm On the Road Again. Unmistakably, an elevated level of energy and heightened excitement was in the air. An enthusiastic buzz was notable in all conversations. They were recalling last night’s gathering. For those who missed it, we offer a short recap:

Tucked into the cozy country inn for the night, all were gathered in the common room to be warmed by the fire and to hear the latest news from the Traveler. She began:

Welcome Friends – Today is the day that we hope will become known as the Pivot, Day One of our choice to take a drastic 90 degree turn in service to fellow travelers on the Highway of Health Challenges. It was the day that we opted to take a gigantic risk, and to Trust the Unknown. What led up to this moment? Most likely you will all remember the 2012 devastating deaths of my mother Grace, and my sister Mary. I know you will remember because you were all there, circling the wagons, providing strength and nourishment, and enabling my sister Maxine and me to withstand a tornado of emotions, and to bear the weight of our troubled family sorrows. Yes, I know it is “just what Inchinians do” – And…I am both grateful and in awe of your capacity to give.  But I digress…

You are also well aware of my willingness (maybe even insistence) to put my newly PD-diagnosed self on hold during these tumultuous months, and that afterwards I didn’t see a need to go back to the beginning, no need to rehash old stuff.  Instead, I eagerly jumped onto the diet modification and exercise wagon in an attempt to outrun PD.  Keeping that frenetic pace for 10 years, I chose Year 10 to GIVE UP. I no longer wanted to be responsible for my PD, proclaiming I AM INNOCENT and IT’S NOT FAIR!  You can imagine who paid the price for this little self-indulgence! Continually hanging out with clutter, chaos and confusion, I plunged fully into emotions and was beginning to drown in a toxic soup of my own making. I was still trying to convince myself that I had successfully met the challenge of the Ordeal, then one day I asked myself “What’s in the box?” and was gob-smacked by a thought so outrageous and frightening that my entire body became dyskinetic. What if I was wrong? Could it be possible to “Yes, And…” Parkinson’s? 

Knowing the Inchinian Way is to go towards that which is difficult, this council was immediately convened to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN, to determine where we are now, and to explore ideas that challenge our assumptions. Initial Agenda:


  • What if PD is not the ENEMY, and instead perhaps just the MESSENGER?

  • One of the core desires of PWP is that we all want to be heard.  Is anybody listening to PD?


  • We are all wounded and in need of healing and hope.

  • Anger towards PD doesn’t seem to be working; perhaps we should stop running down that maze and look for another way to live our best quality of life.  


  • Invite PD for a face-to-face honest discussion to obtain an intellectual understanding of the history and evolution of PD and why we are where we are today.   

  • Invite PD to break-bread with the hope of establishing an emotional connection. Sharing a meal often leads to opening a door to understanding; in this case, how we might not only coexist, but also to thrive.

Potential Consequences

  • What if I am wrong?

  • What if I am right enough that it allows me to accept that the messenger is real? 

Action Items

  • Solicit input from PWP far and wide to Identify their most egregious struggles and offer potential solutions.

  • Gather information from the most diverse sources possible so that we hear all voices.

  • Workshop all ideas and develop avenues of action.

  • Design tools and suggest options and strategy for each action avenue.

Completely on board with this emerging plan to open hearts and minds to a different way of looking at PD, the Inchinians easily broke into working groups to establish their next steps.  And if you are curious about the scope of work involved for an undertaking of this magnitude, look no further than the Inchinian I.T. Department.  Having been given the mandate to gather input from all voices, the Inchinians devised a data-gathering scheme that ranged from mountain top fires to Pony Express rides to hot air balloons to flip phones and to intergalactic high-frequency radio waves.  

The Traveler requested two of her long-term companions and one recently acquainted kindred spirit to join her team – making it a heartfelt reunion of old and new friends.  

  • Wise Woman and Windy Wendy (with a fringe fetish), dear friend since 7th grade. Naturally non-judgmental, her qualities of empathy and compassion make her the ideal person to broker such radical change proposals.  

  • Lulu Begonia Kingfisher, Garden Guru.  Symbolic of transformation, resilience, and prophetic knowledge, Lulu is revered for her spiritual and cultural guidance.

  • Terri of High Horse Ranch and “Singing Toothbrush” fame would be consulting on an ad hoc basis, as she is also committed to realizing her greatest wish to live a simple life. Terri and her mentor, Dr. Seuss, will ensure that humor takes its rightful place in all avenues of action. 

Each one perched atop a strong Inchinian-style, 3-legged stool, this formidable trio took swift action to launch the Pivot Project with this proclamation:

Day One of the Pivotal Change

“In recognition of your courage and vulnerability in birthing a revolutionary new concept to benefit the mental and emotional health of PWP, and in building the collaborative framework in which to create the space for healing the PD community’s wounds, we declare and endow you with a name as large as the endeavor.  Henceforth you shall be known simply as “Grace.”

Concurrently, we proclaim that PD shall be given a name equal to the ask.  PD, henceforth you shall be known as 

      “Partner in Discovery,” or did I hear, “Partner in Dopamine?”

Excitement builds as the action begins. Each Inchinian’s personal grateful list is filled beyond measure.  Grace jots down a few thoughts to ponder.

Today is the day 
I replace hate and fear with respect

No, I can’t control PD.
Yes, I can XcontrolX manage ME.

Today is the day 
I replace hate and fear with respect

I bemoaned, berated and belittled you                                 
I did my best to out-dance, out-run and out-shout you                  
I did not listen to you                                                                                          
I did not listen to you.                              

How does the role model wanna-be dignify the Dyskinesia Dance?