Dear Body
by Doris Martin
Imagine my surprise
When I no longer felt at ease within you, dear body.
When you began to make movements I did not request,
Left hand keeping time to music I do not hear.
Fingers on keyboard go from rapid accuracy to jerky hit-n-miss,
Imagine my surprise
When I request “left foot out” during exercise class – and get nothing.
When shoulders hunch forward as if to protect a precious jewel in my chest
When handwriting becomes oh, so small…
When even the little pinkie hurts!
Imagine my surprise, dear body
When all you want to do is lie perfectly still on the couch – for hours!
When Velcro sheets make turning over in bed an acrobatic feat.
When high anxiety turns a drive to the store into an Indy 500 event.
Imagine my surprise
When rigidity replaces fluidity,
When the fog of fatigue morphs into dyskinesia,
Conjuring up frightening “spastic” images.
Imagine my surprise
When medication is AN answer, but not THE answer.
When exercise takes on a quality of life importance.
Where is the hope?
I’m dancing as fast as I can…
February 2020
PD Diagnosis November 3, 2011